Intellectual Property Teaching and Learning Materials
Eric E. Johnson Earl Sneed Centennial Professor of Law University of Oklahoma College of Law |
About:These are selected materials from various years. I hope these materials will be useful to students and teachers at other schools. My current students should use the current year's class webpage for the materials relevant to the current year's class.
Exams:For released IP essay exams and multiple-choice questions, visit the Exam Archive
Advice:Nanotreatises:Mindmap:Mindmap of Intellectual Property mindmap file [right click to download] (requires FreeMind software to view)
The above links are to the latest version of the mindmap. To find older versions, look through the webpages for prior courses, available from my homepage.
Demand letters, cease and desist, etc.CasesFor an open-source casebook anthology for an intellectual property survey course, check out:
Here are some older individual case edits:
Wypadkis (class-wide group outlines):Documents organized by subject:Historical documents:
Lawyer narrative:
Litigant interview:
Case opinions:
Demand letters:
Case Opinions:
Case opinions:
Demand letters:
Case opinions: