Torts I and Torts II - 2007 & 2008 - University of North Dakota School of Law


Classroom Notes and Presentations:

Johnson's Torts Compendium for 2007-2008:

Johnson's Torts Referenced Referenced Works for 2007-2008:

Leslie Bender, A Lawyer's Primer on Feminist Theory and Tort, 38 J. Legal Educ. 3 (1988) [link provided in class]
Frank M. McClellan, The Dark Side of Tort Reform: Searching for Racial Justice, 48 Rutgers L. Rev. 761 (1995) [please retrieve from Westlaw or another source]

The Wypadki:

Midterm Quiz from Torts I (Fall):

Final Examination from Torts I (Fall):

Special materials available in advance of the Spring 2008 exam:


(Posted Apr. 22, 2007) As discussed in class, in a change to the outline of coverage printed in the syllabus, we will not be covering "legal and accounting malpractice." In addition, we will not be covering "whistleblower statutes," although I may say a word or two about this in class.
(Posted Jan. 10, 2007) I have decided to assign a supplemental text for the Spring semester. The book is Understanding Torts, Third Edition, 2007 by John L. Diamond, Lawrence C. Levine, M. Stuart Madden (ISBN: 9781422411605), which you can order from the publisher, Matthew Bender or get from some other source, but make sure you get the Third Edition. For the first couple of classes or so, I will provide xeroxes of the assigned pages to bridge the gap until you are able to get the book. I'll put the xeroxes on the table on the second floor near room 215.
(Posted Jan. 10, 2007) In the casebook, read Schultz v. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark, pp. 421-428 and Downs v. United States, pp. 429-436. In Understanding Torts, read sect. 15.04[C] and sect. 15.05; which is pages 244-249. Note: Do not read any of the notes or questions in the casebook. This semester, skip all material in the casebook other than the cases, unless explicitly assigned. Our general plan will be to use the Understanding Torts book in lieu of such material.