Torts I 2011 & Torts II 2012 – University of North Dakota School of Law
Course Information:for Torts I:for Torts II:Resources:for Torts I:for Torts II:for Torts I & IIClassroom Notes and Presentations:Classroom Notes and Presentations for Torts I:N.B.: The mindmap files were updated September 14, 2011 to reflect the few minor changes I made in class.
Mindmap of torts mindmap file [right click to download] (requires FreeMind software to view)
Comparative and Contributory Negligence links:
Classroom Notes and Presentations for Torts II:Mindmap of torts mindmap file [right click to download] (requires FreeMind software to view)
Torts Compendium for 2011-2012:Volume 1 for Torts I:Volume 2 for Torts II:Torts Compendium Supplement for 2011-2012:for Torts I:Walter v. Wal-Mart
Anderson v. Cryovac
for Torts II:Pub. L. No. 110-140, Title XIV [pdf]
Referenced Works for 2011-2012:for Torts I:A Civil Action (film, Touchstone Pictures, 1998)
for Torts II:Links:The 2012 Spring Torts Wypadki is hosted on the UND Blackboard system. Students enrolled in the course should be able to access it by logging into their Blackboard account. If you cannot find the wypadki, look for a link in the left-hand column. If you are already logged in, you can try this link.
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