Deprecated exam materials:

Archived here are some materials, removed from the Exam Archive, that I don't recommend for use in studying.

I have put all materials I recommend for studying in the Exam Archive. I recommend going there.

Deprecated general advice materials:

Tip Sheet on Exam Writing 2017. This older version was superseded October 25, 2020. It lacks a discussion of how to approach analysis in a liability-focused subject, and it lacks other improvements. A typo was fixed for this archived version. The oldest versions of this document go back well before 2017. If you're an instructor, and you have an older version that includes something useful that I later took out, please let me know. The most up-to-date version of this document is here.
Tip Sheet on Exam Writing 2020. This older version was superseded November 1, 2023. It lacks a discussion of what exam takers should and shouldn't do with cases, theory/policy arguments, formats like IRAC or CREAC, and some other things. There's also a number of typos I subsequently fixed. The most up-to-date version of this document is here.

Deprecated multiple choice questions and deprecated sets of multiple choice questions:

2007 Torts Final Exam Part 1, partial with answer. This contains a deprecated question concerning an issue specific to North Dakota law, which is not useful for studying for future exams, and which is not reproduced in the amalgamated questions for torts below or in the current sets of released multiple choice questions.
multiple choice: FALL 2018 PRACTICE EXAM PART 1 (originally distributed October 2018) [PDF]
answers: Correct multiple-choice responses [PDF]
Note: All of the questions in this practice exam are included within the amalgamated questions, listed below.
multiple choice: AMALGAMATED TORTS QUESTIONS (updated November 2018) [PDF]
answers: Correct multiple-choice responses [PDF]
explanations: Explanations for some multiple-choice answers [PDF]
Note: Fall 2018 quiz questions can be found as questions 101 through 108 in the 2018 version of the amalgamated questions.
multiple choice: Special Study Set of "Most Useful" Questions for Torts II for Spring 2018 [PDF]
answers: Correct multiple-choice answers [PDF]
multiple choice: Special Study Set of "Less Useful" Questions for Torts II for Spring 2018 [PDF]
answers: Correct multiple-choice answers, with selected explanations [PDF]
multiple choice: Special Study Set for Torts I for Fall 2017 [PDF]
answers: Correct multiple-choice answers [PDF]
multiple choice: Amalgamated Torts I Questions (from 2011) [PDF]
answers: Correct multiple-choice answers [PDF]
Old versions of some Torts multiple choice questions from the Southern Slip-Ups set. The changes are pretty minor, but I fixed a typo and polished some of the wording.
multiple choice: Amalgamated Torts Questions (through November 2018; not updated since then) [PDF]
Note: These questions were re-organized into smaller sets of questions with names like "Midwest Mishaps," and so forth. I recommend looking at those.
answers: Correct multiple-choice responses [PDF]
explanations: Explanations for some multiple-choice answers [PDF]